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LightShift 2000

Let's Turn On the Light of the World!

Imagine millions of men, women and children
merged in the same beautiful spirit

May we join together...
in a synchronized universal meditation to raise the consciousness of all humanity

May we affirm...
to live a brighter new vision that all life can share

May we visualize...
a thousand years of peace on Earth starting with this moment

May we embrace...
all people-whatever race, religion, non-religion, beliefs, or nationality

May we remember...
In the Heart there is no division - only Oneness in Spirit
We are All Children of God in the Family of Human

May the Beauty in our Hearts,
the Brilliance of our Minds
and the Divinity of our Spirits, create this new Vision

May Love and Light fill our lives and change our World...
and from this Great Spirit may we come together to brighten the Future

Start Now! We welcome you to join millions of other radiant spirits each month focused intent and meditation for 15 minutes from your pure inner light. On the First day of every Month -- until the quantum events
January 1, 1999/ 2000/ 2001, 00:12

On January 1st, 2000 -- One Day In Peace
We Will Turn on the Light of the World